huhuu... rini aku wif mak abah jer kt uma...
ifan n dini masing2 da lik asrama (stiap ari sowg)...
barulaaa rini i got 2 undrstand wat ma mum rily feel when she's alone at home...
ahhh aku ngak bisa ksorangan sdey la depa x da...
tetiba jer tingat memori zmn dulu2 tika kami masey lg 'kekanak ribena' ...
njwa ifan dini yg suka gado2 tp syggg... hikkk3
but dat's all our past time... i know we'r bcome closer now...")
but dat's all our past time... i know we'r bcome closer now...")
kalu ifan free absolutely lebai tu wil cll me...
kdg2 soklan sma jer yg d ask but deeply in ma heart i know he cares
kdg2 soklan sma jer yg d ask but deeply in ma heart i know he cares
bout me loves me a lot...n now he lik 2 tell me his problemzzz...!!
dier mmg manyak problem!..........
but all d problem dier yg create sndiri coz he dun lik 2 stay at 'asmara'....
x dak freeedom katanya...
dat's why laaa lik cuti pn payah nk tgk dier kt uma coz at dat time dier kta dier dpt freeeeeedom...
tu la yg bzy all d time sket2 'peminat' cari oOoO....
n diniiii... i'm proud of ma sis as she can cope wif d new situation in
SMKAK easily,, even at her first week stayin' kat asrama...
huihh la ni bkn men lg da ade 'kakak' (d seniors) kat sek...
tp dikkkk dun 4get dat u've ridy have dis sweety 'kakak'...
hupfully u x ler rerepat sgt ngn deme2 tuuuhh...
heeee (aku maknusyia biasa of course got jealousy)...
p/s::::esok 2nd feb naik kpl tebang b'tayar 4 lik kolumpo...
d place i dun prefer at all... huhuuu
soOo mlm ni tido pelok eh's teddy n froggy puas2...!!! heee3
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