Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Oh assgnment..!
Those days byknya assgmt kna siapkn...
Especially Islmc Ibadah... da blurr nk arrangekn word malay ke english...
But dun33 give up...!! jiayok3!! dip da mnyak kje cmni...
Hwever, dat's da studnt's life..isn'it..
Saturday, February 21, 2009
im owes keep in my mind 2 study hard2 n dun play2 coz im wanna achieve ma dream 2 b a succssful psychologist... why?? coz i've passion 2 help n be wif those who faces dfficulties n problems in their life... i lik when ppl tell me their problemss coz fr dat i know that they'r blieve in me 2 keep their secret... n rcently when ifan keep sharing his 'problems' wif m...!!yuhuuu!!! i know he blive me n love me oso...")
no one or not mny ppl lik 2 b psychologist or i mean in d other hand..yesss mny studnts invlved studyin' in psych but wat kind of psych areas they wanna b??? of course they may choose lecturer as their profession n lets think actually hw mny of them work at d hosp bahagia and d such..or take a respnsibility 2 b truly psych doc??? aren't they wanna b wif mentally-problems or retarded or 'org gila'??? mmm..not mny kan...when i buy n read "buku kecelaruan minda", nw im undrstnd that we cn't easily judge sumone wit mental-problem as 'org gila'...n keep in mind they'r not "gila" 4ver..!! they cn b cured!!!! they actually lost their consideration or ability 2 tin as a normal ppl... as a hman being, we should give a helpin' hand n pray 4 their hppiness...myb we can bring them 2 d special place in which they cn get an appropriate treatmt... plezz3!! change our bhaviour... dun insult them n dun throw things 2 them if they'r be seen in d "kaki2 jln"... kalu pn x suka jgn kacau dorang coz they'r also hav feeling jus lik us...
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
OOuchh F.W.L!!!
First time got d fwl....
hanya Allah yg tau how's d feel inside ma heart...
mcm x cya i'm now was issued fwl by mdm putri...
crying n crying in d klas...
x ley tahan sgt coz it's ma aim since i entred dis
cllge not to issue da wl...i cn't said it's mdm fault
but seriously on jan 12 i came 2 d klas coz on dat
i've got fever but then i'm still come 2 d klas...
owhh how could i explain all dis...only farah n i
knew dat...n d rules of this college, once d fwl
has been prepared it cnnot b cancel anymore...
x ley komplen pape pn...mak call n i know 2 ask
bout it coz d surat formal confirm laaaa da smpi kt uma...
i know mak msti sedey...but she must blieve her daughter...
if she dont, who else???
to mummyta - i won't do it again...
it's ma fault, im so sorry...
dun be sad i'll study harderrrrr 2 ensure i can get A
in d sbject k....
cygggg kamoO mak...
u know ur daughter better right?...
tanxxx 2 fara n faah yg tenangkn hati ni...
fara ckp x pe,sbject ni senang sket n faah ckp
x pe la least studying in dis cllge biar
ar rasa skali,experiencing dpt fwl kalu x bile lg...
hehehe(faah yg gelak tuu)...heeee
actually tu laaa kata2 yg tenangkn ati ni...
DuN bE SaD naj...
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Some info bout virusessss...
What Is a Virus?
- spread fr one computer 2 one computer,leaving infections as it travels
- a computer virus can range in severity
- may damage a hardware, software or files
- almost all viruses may exist in d computer but actually cannot infect d coputer unless we run or open d malicious program
- TAKE NOTE: virusessss cannot be spread without a human action
- d viruses mostly spread by sharing infecting files, sending e-mails wif virus as attachmants in d e-mail
What is a Worm?
- spread fr computer 2 computer
- TAKE NOTE: unlike virus, it has a capability 2 travel without any human action.
- a worm takes advntages of file or information transport features on d system 2 travel unaided.
- d biggest danger of a worm is its capability 2 replicate itselt on d system, so rather than d computer sending out a single worm, it could send out hundreds or thousands of copies of itself, creating a huge devastating effect.
What Is a Trojan horse?
- When a Trojan is activated on d computer, the results can vary.
- Can cause serious damage by deleting files n destroying information on d system.
- Unlike viruses and worms, Trojans do not reproduce by infecting other files nor do they self-replicate.
ma diaries
sape la yg cipta menda nie...........
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Plezz go away mr.virusesss!!
hukhu...darling ku ni dserang mr virusesss...
punye la manyak 'worm' & 'trojan' yg menempek kt cni...
but it tend 2 b okay now coz aku da pkaikn dier anti virus kaspersky...
alhamdulillah sib baek x d pape yg ilang d'mkn' virusesss tuuu...amin...
punye la manyak 'worm' & 'trojan' yg menempek kt cni...
but it tend 2 b okay now coz aku da pkaikn dier anti virus kaspersky...
alhamdulillah sib baek x d pape yg ilang d'mkn' virusesss tuuu...amin...
Monday, February 2, 2009
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Alkisah najwa irfan dini...
huhuu... rini aku wif mak abah jer kt uma...
ifan n dini masing2 da lik asrama (stiap ari sowg)...
barulaaa rini i got 2 undrstand wat ma mum rily feel when she's alone at home...
ahhh aku ngak bisa ksorangan sdey la depa x da...
tetiba jer tingat memori zmn dulu2 tika kami masey lg 'kekanak ribena' ...
njwa ifan dini yg suka gado2 tp syggg... hikkk3
but dat's all our past time... i know we'r bcome closer now...")
but dat's all our past time... i know we'r bcome closer now...")
kalu ifan free absolutely lebai tu wil cll me...
kdg2 soklan sma jer yg d ask but deeply in ma heart i know he cares
kdg2 soklan sma jer yg d ask but deeply in ma heart i know he cares
bout me loves me a lot...n now he lik 2 tell me his problemzzz...!!
dier mmg manyak problem!..........
but all d problem dier yg create sndiri coz he dun lik 2 stay at 'asmara'....
x dak freeedom katanya...
dat's why laaa lik cuti pn payah nk tgk dier kt uma coz at dat time dier kta dier dpt freeeeeedom...
tu la yg bzy all d time sket2 'peminat' cari oOoO....
n diniiii... i'm proud of ma sis as she can cope wif d new situation in
SMKAK easily,, even at her first week stayin' kat asrama...
huihh la ni bkn men lg da ade 'kakak' (d seniors) kat sek...
tp dikkkk dun 4get dat u've ridy have dis sweety 'kakak'...
hupfully u x ler rerepat sgt ngn deme2 tuuuhh...
heeee (aku maknusyia biasa of course got jealousy)...
p/s::::esok 2nd feb naik kpl tebang b'tayar 4 lik kolumpo...
d place i dun prefer at all... huhuuu
soOo mlm ni tido pelok eh's teddy n froggy puas2...!!! heee3
ma diaries
kakak yg sygggggggggg adek2nyer............
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